(Clear,) [Bright,] {Dark of Night}

Sale Price:$15.00 Original Price:$22.00
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an exploratory memoir.

An Anomalous Travelogue.


a monomythic shōjo!

A Preternatural Bildungsroman!


schmaltzy fantasia?

Perverse Zuihitsu?





(Clear,) [Bright] {Dark of Night} is a variegated interrobang of worlds

both pulled apart and intertwined. This atypical novel will transport

intrepid readers into a labyrinthine series of 220+ colors in the form of

polyphonic vignettes, wistful reflections, and nightmarish flights of fancy.

With this hypnotic, nonlinear, and oftentimes delusive palmful of tales,

Spencer LaBute sets out to entice language-loving all comers through the

many-splendored corridors and crannies of one intemperate mind’s eye.



“To understand this book, imagine Alejandro Jodorowsky on LSD

looking at The Persistence of Memory through a kaleidoscope.

Spencer LaBute is a poetic, aberrant fever dream.”

– Nicolás Obregón

[Author of Blue Light Yokohama and the Inspector Iwata series]