Poem Prayer
Doesn’t silence my mind
Every cuddle, so kind
Infant, world, future, on my chest
I think I’m doing my best
Sweet, late and great cousin, David,
This room holds a steady, wild kindness
So, did our ancestors do more with less?
What's there to say:
I work all day
Know I wake up in the dark night
To feed her
After a day staring at screens; bright and light
This poem is me putting up a fight
Sometimes I feel our ancestors
Did more with less
Some sort of measured, wild kindness
Child without her mother during day
Is rewarded at night by long, quiet
Poem prayer
With a silent demand
Tired poem in hand
For there to be an answer to a question
For a full and whole digestion
I need to understand the past
Sweet, wild kindness
Did our ancestors do more with less?
Answer it
(ease my distress)
So, I hold the the world to its word
All stirred and blurred
And even if I’m unheard
I’ll fall into the wild
For, or
Because of,
My child
This poem was written at 2 a.m. by a dear friend of Shy City House who is experiencing the challenges of balancing their career and life as a new mother.